Lol this is a big stuff up that i still make today... I dont label my private or public or team skins... So far ive seen My public and private skins being used by people saying they made them. But yea i think the "XRR_Skinfile(p)" is a great idea.
Ill wait for my younger brother to buy it... then maybe ill give it a watch. But Tuesday im going to see Disney Pixars "Cars" i think i made the right choice.
Look for a tab in the same section as brakes and gears ect. You will see colors click that, then down the bottom you will see for eg. XRT_Default, click that then it will open a menu with all that cars skins, choose the skin click ok and there you go.
No i mean the way they did the hole " We own both you teams, now let the one with the ferrari engine pass because that would be imbarassing " happend at melbourne.... now thats really not going to show the drivers full potential. Just really annoying.